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Final 2021

The final of the 15th Carcassonne World Championships was held during game fair SPIEL in Essen on Saturday 16th of October 2021 in the "Europa" hall of the congress center. 42 players from around the world where there to become new Carcassonne champion 2020 / 2021. They all had to play under some restritions due to the pandemic (face mask, reduced catering etc.) but had a lot of fun and a very exiting tournament nevertheless.

After five preelimination rounds, a quartely and a semi final Maciej Polak from Poland and Melvin Quaresma from Brasil faced each other in the final game. Even they had both 30 minutes time (instead of 15 each) the last game with the special big Carcasonne edition ended after just 40 minutes. Maciej won by 10 points and can therefore call himself the new Carcasonne Champions 2020 / 2021! Congratulations!!!

The detailed results can be found here.