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Final 2024

Due to the wish of the overwhelming majority of last year participants the final of the 18th Carcassonne World Championships will be held in Spielezentrum in Herne / Germany again! It will take place on Saturday 5th of October 2024. The address is Hölkeskampring 2, 44625 Herne.

We will stream the final live on our youtube channel.

More information about the tournament (timetable, structure etc.) will follow later. This time we are also planing to have a nice "party" for all participants after the tournament. If you already want to look for accommondation in Herne go here. Please consider to stay alternatively in Bochum. Of course all of the players will get a ticket for game fair SPIEL in Essen. There will be NO shuttle service this time but there are enough alternatives going to Essen (public transportation, rental car, UBER etc.).

How to get to Spielezentrum in Herne?

You can use public transportation which is quite easy here in the Ruhr area. Due to decades of neglect we have more conctrution sites than ususal at the moment but nevertheless it's an alternative way to travel. You can find information in English on the VRR site concerning nearly all local transport connections. You can also download detailed maps (so called "Stadtlinienpläne") for every city in the Ruhr area (just scroll down the page a little; the maps are sorted alphabetically by the city name). They are in German only but very helpful for getting an overview of the area where you stay. 

From Bochum main station (Bochum Hbf) or Herne station (Herne Bf) runs the subway line U35 directly to Spielezentrum. This line is called campus line (CampusLinie) because it connects to the university in Bochum (Ruhr-Universität).

If you start in Bochum the direction is "Herne / Schloß Strünkede" or if you start in Herne the direction is "Bochum / Hustadt" (depending how it is written on the signs). Either way you always have to depart at the station "Hölkeskampring".

Leave the subway station using first the exit (Ausgang) "Hölkeskampring" and then the exit "Flottmannstraße". You will find Spielezentrum inside the large district center (Stadtteilzentrum) H2Ö only a few meters away and you should see it right away. Please use the main entrance under the large H2Ö sign.

As an additional orientation you will also find our logo - the huge yellow meeple (Pöppel) - on the far right side of the building.

Of course you can also use a car and drive here. We don't know if the contruction project which is still underway will be finished in October but there are enough parking spaces in the area around the facility. I will keep all of you informed.

This page was last updated on July 23rd 2024.